I started the day with the good old guilt trip...you know....."I need you to be on your very best behavior today and help your teacher out because it is hard for me to talk. I know you will all be great listeners and not make me say things over again....you will do them the first time I ask so I don't have to use my voice as much". So that worked for ohhh about 10 minutes. But overall it was quieter in my classroom than usual for most of the day....I may have to try whispering more often!
I hope my voice is better tomorrow. You know it is bad when your secretary asks if she can get you a sub for tomorrow! But it has to be better by Friday because we have a field trip! Oh and did I mention it is an outdoor field trip and I live in WISCONSIN!
Oh well! Since I wasn't able to talk much we did lots of projects today. I did attempt to read them the story Who'll Pull Santa's Sleigh Tonight? (because the reindeer are sick just like me). I think the kids heard me whisper read it to them. The hot chocolate made the reindeer better so we will see if I get hot chocolate tomorrow! Then we made this adorable Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer hat. The kids loved it and they looked so cute! Sorry no pics of my kids wearing them of course, just a picture of the hat itself. And that may or may not be my hubby modeling the hat for you...and I may or may not have told him I was taking it to put on the blog. I can't take credit for the idea though...my own kinder daughter came home wearing it last week...so naturally I had to borrow the idea to use with my kiddos!
I made a template of the antlers in case you wanted to make it.Just click here to get it. You can print it on card stock and have the kids or a parent helper trace them or you can copy it right onto brown construction paper. The piece of construction paper that the nose is attached to was about 3 inches. On the ones I made with the kids we added glitter to the noses (so they would glow of course and what project isn't better with glitter!) Hope you enjoy!
Where are you going? Hope you have a ton of fun and feel better! I know, it always amazes me how quiet the kids get when I'm quiet. Thanks for the cute idea!
Fun in PreK-1
We are going to a wildlife sanctuary, where they do a special Christmas thing for the kids. Today was better so hopefully tomorrow will be to!