Monday, September 17, 2012

Daily 5 and a CAFE Freebie

Soooo....I am dabbling into the world of Daily 5 this year in my classroom.  After looking over the Common Core Standards for kindergarten I knew that my kids needed to spend more time with books in their hands than they did last year. Daily 5 seemed to make sense to accomplish this. I am starting with 3 of the Daily 5 componets, read to self, read with someone, and listen to reading because I am still going to do literacy centers. 

As I was reading everyone's blogs this summer I also discovered the CAFE book by the sisters so I read that one as well! It all just seems to make so much sense! So I am also going to try and incorporate the CAFE strategies during my Daily 3 time in addition to doing my regular guided reading group. Am I crazy??? The jury is still out I think, only time will tell but I will keep you updated on our progress!

So far we are up to 8 minutes of read to self time! Way to go kinders!!

Click on the picture to get my owl themed set of CAFE signs I made for my room!


1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    So glad to find a HUGE Daily 5 fan like me!
    My blog title is name-saked and inspired by the CAFE! I know. I'm that in love!!
    Happy to be your newest follower!
