Thursday, September 20, 2012

Classroom Management

I really debated this year between doing my current behavior system or switching to one of the cute clip charts that are all over.  In the end I decided to stick with what I had but I can't wait to catch up on all of my blog reading with this linky party and see if I find any other cool ideas (of course I will)!

I use a variation of the red, yellow, green system but I also have a "sparkly" for those kids who go above and beyond, or are the only ones who are following directions. Below is my whole tree. Since our theme this year is owls I am using a tree in past years I have used different colored lily pads and the kids names were on frogs.

 Here is a close up of the green branch of the tree.  Everyones name starts here each day.
 This is the "sparkly" branch.  I love using this branch!  These kiddos are on the "sparkly" branch because they were the only ones who were sitting quietly when I asked them to.  All I have to do is start moving names to the "sparkly"branch and it suddenly becomes very quiet! I also use it to reinforce behaviors I want them to become in the habit of exhibiting. So at the beginning of the year you might get on the "sparkly" branch for picking up paper from the floor, or standing in line quietly.
 Here is my yellow branch.  When your name is here you miss some of your free choice play so we can talk about how to make better choices.
 Here is my red branch. If your name is here you miss all of your free choice play and we discuss making better choices.  Parents also get a note home in the communication folder about what happened during the day.
This is just a picture of the agreements we came up with at the beginning of the year that hang next to our tree.

This system really does seem to work for me, when I am good about using the "sparkly" branch to reinforce good behavior! Hope you found this helpful!

Check out all of the other great ideas at What the Teacher Wants by clicking on the picture below.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Daily 5 and a CAFE Freebie

Soooo....I am dabbling into the world of Daily 5 this year in my classroom.  After looking over the Common Core Standards for kindergarten I knew that my kids needed to spend more time with books in their hands than they did last year. Daily 5 seemed to make sense to accomplish this. I am starting with 3 of the Daily 5 componets, read to self, read with someone, and listen to reading because I am still going to do literacy centers. 

As I was reading everyone's blogs this summer I also discovered the CAFE book by the sisters so I read that one as well! It all just seems to make so much sense! So I am also going to try and incorporate the CAFE strategies during my Daily 3 time in addition to doing my regular guided reading group. Am I crazy??? The jury is still out I think, only time will tell but I will keep you updated on our progress!

So far we are up to 8 minutes of read to self time! Way to go kinders!!

Click on the picture to get my owl themed set of CAFE signs I made for my room!


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Blog Design and Classroom Pictures

I am so excited about my new super cute blog design! It is done by the wonderful and talented ladies at Honey Bunch Blog Design. They are fabulous to work with! I would highly recommend you check them out!

I am also excited to finally post some pics of my new classroom (OK so it was new last year) but it is much cuter this year. I have gotten so many wonderful ideas from my blog stalking hopping and I love looking at classroom set ups so here is mine.

This is my calendar board. It is right next to my SMART board, which we use all the time!
 This is the view as you walk in the door. We got those flower tables last year and I LOVE them!
 If you look to the right as you walk in this is the view.  That is my word wall in the distance. The reading corner, dramatic play area and computer area are lined up along this side of the room.
 This is our behavior tree.  Everyone starts the day with their owl on the green leaf branch.  During the day your owl can move to the yellow or red leaf branch if you are having difficulty remembering the rules or your owl can move to the "Sparkly" (glitter) leaf branch if you did something extra special.
 My CAFE board that I can't wait to use for the first time this year!
  Each week a new student is featured on this board. This week it is me.
 This is the view of my reading corner and next to that is our dramatic play area and then the computer area.
  This is the writing center.  It is finally organized with cute baskets and labels!!
 These are my book bins for our Daily 3 reading time.  I covered old cardboard magazine files with that cool new duct tape in designs and colors.  I LOVE them!
 This is the construction area.  The board in the back is my Focus wall.  I got the idea from the fabulous Shannon at Kinder Hoppenings. Click here to see her super cute version!
 This is where we do all of our class meetings and circle time.  Behind that is my teacher desk (that I can never seem to keep clean!).
 This is the table where I do small group reading and math instruction and all of my wonderful storage!!

Hope you enjoyed the pics of where I spend my days and nights.