Saturday, March 30, 2013

Giveaway Winners!

Sorry for the delay in posting the names of the winners for my HUGE 100 follower giveaway but this week was unexpectedly CRAZY!

I found out at the end of the school day on Monday that I would be out of my classroom all day on Wednesday for an ELA meeting. Now as if getting ready for a sub weren't enough Wednesday was also the day that we do our big Easter brunch for the kids. I mean we have parents come in and we cook pancakes and sausage in our classrooms and do fun spring/Easter centers and games. So imagine trying to leave directions and plans for all of that! Ugh! Luckily I have the best team ever, a great assistant, understanding parents, a super class and a had a good sub!

Oh and I was busy trying to pack and get ready for our family spring break trip. I took a half day Thursday and we are on the road! Somehow we made it!

Now onto the winners.

The winner of the K-1 prize package is....
a Rafflecopter giveaway

And the winner of the 1-3 prize package is....
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations ladies! Check your email for details from me!

I am so glad to be Spring Break I can't wait to try and relax and enjoy!!! Thank you again to everyone who donated, entered and who follows my blog you are all amazing! Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted!

I am linking up with Flying into First Grade for this weeks Let's Get Acquainted linky party!! This weeks theme is nouns, you list your favorite person, place, thing and animal.

So here goes....

My Favorite Person:
I am going to bend the rules a little bit right off the bat...sorry! My favorite people are my hubby and my kids! I couldn't possibly pick between them! My hubby is amazing and we have been together forever...well it seems like forever since we met and started dating in high school!  Our kids are the center of our world!  Our son is in 4th grade and looks just like his dad, and our daughter is in kindergarten and looks just like me! I'd love to show you pics but the hubby doesn't like me posting pics of the kiddos when you can see their faces. 

My Favorite Place:
The beach! I know I live in Wisconsin but I think that is why I love the beach so is a break from the cold! Thought we do have some great beaches here in the summer too, this pic is from Florida!

My Favorite Thing:
My iPad!  I love it! I use it all the time to try and keep up with my blog stalking!

My Favorite Animal:
I would love to say our dog...but we don't have one yet!  We are going to try and sell our house so we told the kids they had to wait until we sold our house and moved to get a dog.  So instead I will say our cat. We got her when our son was about 4 months old and she thinks she is a dog most days!  She will even play fetch! That is my parent's dog in the picture with our kitty, we dog sit when they go on vacation.

So there you have my nouns! Sorry I missed last weeks linky but I was busy putting together my HUGE 100 follower giveaway!  It is open unitl Monday at if you haven't already hurry over and enter to win!!! Click the picture below to take you there!

I also just uploaded a new sight word book to my TpT store and I just had to let you know cause the graphics in it are soooo cute!  They are from Krista at Creative Clips, I just love her stuff! Click on the picture to check out my sight word book for the words up, the! 

I have 4 more days before spring break!  I think I can I think I can!!!  I am hoping to finish a bunch more of my sight word books over break and then start to bundle them so stay tuned for updates!!!  For those of you already on spring break I am JEALOUS!! But I hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bucket Filling!!

Anyone else feel like this week has just been CRAZY!?!? Between meetings and the kiddos I am ready for Spring Break, but it is still a week away!!!

My kiddos have been having ISSUES with getting along lately, so I thought it was time to break out the Bucket Filling books!  I'm sure most of you probably already know about them, but I just heard about them from one of my FABULOUS team members this year. 
I just love the visual idea of everyone having a bucket that holds your good feelings! I also like that it empowers the kids to be in charge of filling their buckets by doing things that will fill others buckets, kindness breeds kindness!
On Monday we read the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. Then we made an anchor chart of ways we could fill a bucket.  

When we finished our chart ,I gave each kiddo their own bucket to design for our new board!  Click HERE for the link to the directions for the buckets. This site also has a lot of other great FREE resources to go along with the bucket filling books!
My kiddos have really latched onto this idea!  Today I overheard a conversation where one of my kiddos said "Don't say that you're dipping my bucket!" and my desk has also been overflowing with pictures and notes as they fill my bucket!! I just love my kiddos! I should have taken a picture of my pile. Of course there are still those who are dipping instead of filling buckets ,but I am hoping that the visual and the reminders from their peers will help them.
We followed up with reading the book How Full is Your Bucket for Kids by Tom Rath today. It was a good review and also helped the kids see that EVERYONE has a bucket, even their bus driver and their dog (they loved that part!)

And speaking of buckets, mine is overflowing because all of you who read my ramblings and follow me and because of all of the wonderful bloggers and TpTer's who donated to my 100 Follower giveaway!  If you haven't entered yet it isn't too late! Click the button below to see all of the great prizes and enter to win!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Huge 100 Follower Giveaway!!

WOW I can't believe I reached 100 followers (truthfully I never thought it would happen)!!! I have been MIA on all of the great linky partys  this weekend because I have been organizing all of the fabulous donations I have gotten for this HUGE giveaway!! I have been blessed to have so many great bloggy and TpT friends offer their products to make this giveaway HUGE.  There are 2 different prize packs that you can enter to win, each one has between 15 and 20 products!! The first prize pack has products perfect for K or 1st grade and the second has products for 1st-3rd grade.  So enter one or enter both and enjoy finding some great blogs and TpT stores along the way!! The giveaway starts today and runs through Monday March 25th.  So without further delay presenting......

Prize Pack #1's Fabulous Prizes

And Now the Prizes for Prize Pack #2!!

It is HUGE isn't it!  I told you!! I still can't believe how many great people were willing to donate and help out with this giveaway!  THANK you all!! And THANK you to everyone who helped me reach 100 followers!! You are all the BEST!!  Good Luck and I hope you win!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Clip art in the giveaway button and in the prize pictures by Creative Clips and My Cute Graphics.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted

I know I am late linking up with this party but I have a good excuse I PROMISE!  I have been busy with conferences AND getting ready to host my 100+ follower giveaway.  It is going to be stay tuned! I am hoping to have it ready to go this weekend.

I am linking up with Flying into First Grade for this fun get to know you linky party!  This weeks rules are share 3 things about yourself using your initials.  My initials are SMG so here are my 3 things!

S is for Sunshine!!! Can you tell I live in Wisconsin, and it has been really cloudy and snowy here lately! I am sooooo ready for summer, I would even settle for spring!

M is for  Movies!  I love to watch them, when I have time, which is mainly in the summer! My favorites right now, (I'm kind of afraid to admit) are the Twilight movies....all of them! There I said it, I feel better now!

G is for Garden! I love to spend time in my garden in the summer (are you sensing the summer theme in this post?). My hubby always complains that I like to plant the garden but then he is the one who ends up watering and weeding it (this may or may not be true...I plead the 5th!). 

Hope everyone has a great Friday!!